Charting new paths: Proof that youth-led sustainability can be the future of all business

Chief Sustainability and Design Officer of MBF, Keith Wo, receiving the award from Minister of Sustainability and Environment, Grace Fu. 

Earth School is excited to congratulate our friends at MBF for being winners at the Sustainable Business Awards! They are not only the youngest winners in a pool of 100 applicant teams but have won in 2 major pillars, notably Pillar 6 on Waste Productivity and Materiality, as well as Pillar 12 on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition, they were also awarded “Significant Achievement” for the pillars of Sustainability Strategy, Supply Chain Management, Stakeholder Management, Community, Business Ethics and Responsibility, and Land Use and Biodiversity. 

Trophy for Awards and Significant Achievement made from discarded wood pieces

The Sustainable Business Awards, organised by Global Initiatives and held in partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), are a regional sustainability awards platform assessing sustainability programs for businesses in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. 

With the fashion and textile industry producing an estimated 10% of global carbon emissions, we’ve always been in awe of MBF’s application of cutting-edge technology to create sustainable clothing apparel that has lower carbon footprint. MBF’s expansion into sustainable procurement and sourcing of more products for corporations and businesses has encouraged further reductions in carbon emissions and water usage. Beyond fashion and textile, they have shifted into laptop bags, notebooks, cutlery sets and reusable tumblers. Moreover, their minimalist bulk-packaging designs incorporates as little plastic and paper, which if used at all, reduces the number of single-use disposables as possible. Their fundamental commitment to sustainability and innovation have led us to champion them as one of Earth School’s Eco-Actors, more here.

CEO of MBF, Johann Wah advocates youth-led sustainability: “One key belief we have is that sustainability in business can, and should, be led by the youth, as we are one of the biggest stakeholders. It’s not easy, but we have to try.”

Winning the awards at the SBA is proof potential youth start-ups have in making an impact in business. MBF is also committed in engaging with schools and communities to improve sustainability in general. MBF’s sustainability agenda is driven by Chief Sustainability and Design Officer Keith Wo who hopes that “this win, would inspire more youth to take action in their schools, communities, families and in their own life.”

Congratulations MBF, we can’t wait to see you continue to create sustainable impact with corporations and organisations!

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