Author name: Rachel Wong

Think of Rachel’s journey with food sustainability as a poorly drawn cartoon sun, with rays of light bursting out; except in reverse, with all the rays pointing inwards. From her love of writing, to public speaking, to cooking, to Science, everything seemed to have led to this burning passion for rethinking the way we eat, for challenging the status quo to rebuild systems that care for people, and nonhuman life. The intersectionality of environmentalism constantly fascinates her, and she believes everyone has a unique skillset they can contribute to this process of transitioning to a more sustainable world, regardless of age or industry.

So what if chicken prices rise? – A compreHENsive analysis Pt.2

Read Part 1 here. So… now what? Moving forward, how can we strengthen our food systems and ensure sustainability? What sort of choices should we be making to change the way we eat? Shortening food supply chains As mentioned earlier, higher prices of poultry are driven by more expensive soy and corn meal. Are there…

So what if chicken prices rise? – A compreHENsive analysis Pt.2 Read More »

So what if chicken prices rise? – A compreHENsive analysis Pt.1

The price of chicken is set to skyrocket. This information is not new (see here at The Straits Times and The Newpaper among others) but surely, there is more to it than affordability? Could this unprecedented surge in prices be indicative of bigger gaps in our food system, and could it lead to other bigger,

So what if chicken prices rise? – A compreHENsive analysis Pt.1 Read More »